
Taking the step into the unknown

Such a sad yet real story about people taking the step out of their comfort zone. The last statement was especially powerful;
...It comes down to deciding what horrifies you more: the possibility of waking up one day and realizing you never took a shot at your dream or the possibility of losing your house...


Breakdown of iPhone plans in Singapore

Received notification today from SingTel about its impending launch of the latest iPhone 3GS in Singapore. For someone who had been so used to the unlimited data plans from O2 in London, the local standards doesn't seem like a very good deal. Thought I will share a quick tabulation of the overall costs of ownership of the 3 different models on offer.

SingTel's subscription plans: (click on figure for full size image)

With this, you will be paying the following over the course of your 24 month contract, including price of handset if any.

This does not take into consideration of other potential discounts if you trade in, upgrade from current plan or sign up to Mio broadband. On first look it might seem that the cheapest plan is the best in terms of costs, but it is important to look at what that plan offers and whether it fits your mobile habits, including data usage before deciding.

After 4 months without one, I think I am quite desperately in need of a proper phone.