
Run London 2005

Participated in Run London over the weekend. Ran a 10km route around Hyde Park, alone...yes as usual! But interesting bit was I got the chance to pace alongside Paula Radcliffe at the 8km mark when she suddenly appeared beside me. For those who is wondering who she is, she is the womens' marathon world record holder. So its certainly quite special with all crowd cheering her on, and here I was pacing with her. But ran out of steam eventually, finished in average 47min+, just happy to complete the course as I was still carrying a niggling knee injury which prevented me from running as often as I would like.

Click on the Nike banner above to see if you can spot me crossing the finishing line.


Anonymous said...

Way to go man! Was trying to trace which one were you... but everyone's in RED.

By the way, great pics of NYC. Skills improving more and more each time ya. Some really amazing compositions ha... Serious! Interesting blog too... keep it up. Cheers!

Take care mate. God bless!

skinnydiver said...

Yes it was an entire sea of RED runners, i have to literally navigate my way at the starting pt to run comfortable only at the 5km mark when people started to slow down.

thanks for the comments too, always wanted to share my travels(although not alot) with everybody, and yes been seriously working to get composition into my pics. =)

Anonymous said...

Found you looking at the floor... like looking for the finish line mark.... look damn shack...

Hope your NY trip was good. Too bad we couldn't meet up, 'cos I had just changed my flight to a Sat flight, else would hv made the trip to NYC on Sat.

Take care dude.

skinnydiver said...

I was indeed dead shack out, especially after pacing with Paula for a good 1km, and my knees were screaming for me to stop as well. The super cold weather did not help as well.

Yeah, really would have loved to meet up with you and sridhar in NYC, would be quite fun meeting up in some corner of the earth other than SG.