
New post

I was scouring the web for some free sites to host my personal site after I got frustrated looking at pictures taken during trips of mine/and friends who put them up on Kodak site. No offence, but they are a fantastic site that offers people like me to put up their holiday pictures or even pictures of my daily interesting life in London for my family back in Southeast Asia to stay in contact with. HOWEVER, pictures without a story just seems like watching a movie without sound, and pictures with too many subtitles on all the pictures just looks to be trying to hard. I make this mistake myself too when trying to portray the stories behind the pictures, but its just isn't making sense at times. A video would probably be the best, but I still prefer taking still pics and I guess a website with some of my ramblings would be ideal to what I want.

After few weeks of trying to conceptualize my own site, I decided to give up and do a blog site instead. Couple of reasons but mainly I just realized I din have the time to constantly update the site as much as I want to keep the potential audience coming back, and 2nd, a blog just seems the ideal tool for me to talk(write) anything I want under the universe without having to worry about how the site will look like, how the layout will be, how should I layout my pics in the end, etc. My bad experience while trying to blog in MSN did not really help in my initial cause as well, until I stumbled onto Google Labs as usual. Quite a few nifty tools out there I must say, although I am afraid Google is slowing becoming a part of my everyday life on the comp. Something that I did not want to see it happen just like how Microsoft come to dominate our lifes so much.

So here I am, taking my first step in blogging, late in many sense, even though I always consider myself to be a techno advocacy, but in any ways, still in time for a place to store my writings for my Moscow trip.

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